A recent occurrence on CP's Havelock Yard while I was on vacation a few weeks ago got me thinking about how a similar occurrence during an operating session on the KLR should be handled. The background was that some tracks separated as CP was moving loaded railcars out from the loading area and towards a staging track. Two short hoppers loaded with roofing pellets ended up with wheels on the ground as the rail moved from the old ties. Actually surprising that this isn't a more common occurrence for this yard, given the worn ties and track nails that get a bite into the wood anymore. But that's another story.
The derailment took several days to get the tracks back into working condition, as CP had to call in Hulcher Canada to pickup the loaded cars and place them on a good piece or track, before removing the offending ties and replacing them with newer ties. This resulted in the track being out of service for several days, as well as a delay in shipping the railcars to the customer and isolating this track from moving empty cars to the loader.