Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Sunday - Time to head our separate ways

Sunday morning starts with breakfast at the nearby Husky station and then it's time to pack the cars and head back to our respective homes.  It was great seeing everyone again and I look forward to the next convention, which Peter plans to announce and share some details in the coming weeks/months as things firm up.

So while no trains were moving in Hearst, Mike had provided us information that the ditcher would again be working the Kapuskasing Sub, and we were able to find it watering down the loads just outside of Val Rita before heading to its next location to dump some ballast.
ONR 1802 leaving Val Rita and headed for Hearst with fresh ballast.

Adding ballast and watering the loads at Val Rita.

After leaving the ditcher, we were once again headed for Kap, as we knew that 313 had been called for 1100 out of Cochrane and would be making it's way towards us.

#313 crossing the Buskegau River ? outside of Hunta
After shooting the 313, it was time for another quick refueling stop for some lunch and then we were headed south again, our destination for today being a room in Englehart.  We wanted to check out the condition of the former paper plant at Iroquois Falls.  After approximately a years worth of work, this is what it looks like. Paper machine rollers scattered about and lots of concrete and steel rubble.
Former paper mill at Iroquois Falls
Abandoned engine house (tracks were on the other side)
Note rollers and other parts of the paper machine in the right side of photo
Arrival in Englehart late in the afternoon and no power visible in the Yard.

Monday saw the three of us leaving Englehart and chasing the SB 214 freight towards North Bay.  However, the weather didn't want to cooperate and the skies opened up, so after some quick shots at Earlton, we headed the Prius southward.  Arrival in Mentor at about 1045 and Vermilion 0000.  So a long week of driving and shooting trains, but well worth it and it was great to hand out with everyone for a few days.

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